Environmental Stewardship

Bolton Street Members Plan and Plant for the Future

Repurposing a Building for Our Home

When BSS was looking for a new home in 1998, the search committee made a commitment to reuse an existing structure. The building we selected was constructed to be a BGE substation and possibly a fall-out shelter. The original brick rectangle is now our social hall, with classrooms and a storage area underneath. Basically, ¾ of the old building was repurposed.

Permanently Protecting the Meadow

We secured an open space grant from the state of Maryland that includes a ban on development in the meadow behind our building.

Removing Invasive Plants Along the Stony Run Trail

Our members help remove invasive plants along the trail. The work frees trees from English ivy, porcelain berry, and other nonnative harmful plants.

Adding Native Plants to Our Cold Spring Lane Entrance

At the entrance to our driveway, we are adding native plants that beautify the area and attract pollinators.

Creating a Dedicated Native Garden

Certified Bay-Wise by University of Maryland Extension and Bird-Friendly by Audubon

In July 2019, Bolton Street members Robin and David Kantor started creating a garden of native plants in the area between our west property border and the lawn immediately west of the upper parking lot. The area had been used for refuse during the building’s original construction. Our initial work involved digging up debris, clearing a thick blanket of porcelain berry on the ground, and freeing the trees of smothering vines.

In March 2021, our native garden received Bay-Wise and Bird-Friendly certifications. Our member gardeners continue to reclaim the area, remove invasive plant species, and plant and care for our beautiful native flora.