
Donate Now

Whether you’re looking to express your congratulations for a simcha, condolences for a death, or just feeling in a generous mood, Bolton Street Synagogue welcomes your contributions to its various funds.

Annual Fund – The Annual Fund is a once-a-year initiative inviting all congregants to make a generous, undesignated gift to Bolton Street Synagogue.

Bookplates – Dedicate a Mishkan T’Filah prayerbook in celebration of a loved one or special occasion.

Building Fund – Provides upkeep for building and grounds including, if specified, the purchase of a personalized brick for our lovely Commemorative Garden.

Commemorative Bricks – Have a brick in our front garden patio engraved with a personal message commemorating an important event or honoring the memory of a special person.

Leadership Development Fund – Ensures that Bolton Street Synagogue will continue to invest in its leadership through educational retreats, seminars, and programs.

Library & Lifelong Learning Fund – Money in this fund underwrites special adult educational projects and the purchase of books, equipment, and program materials.

Melvin Cohen Social Action Fund – Formed in memory of Melvin Cohen, a devoted Bolton Street Synagogue member who died in 1999, your contribution to this fund provides the extra dollars needed to carry out community-wide service to those in need.

Memorial Plaques – Honor the Yahrzeit of a loved one with an engraved plaque on our Memorial Wall.

Mike Zabner Youth Education Fund – Provides resources to support youth group programming, educational retreats, and scholarships in support of young Bolton Street Synagogue members seeking a Jewish camp or Israel travel experience.

Music and Worship – If you wish to support the inclusion and expansion of music in the life and ritual of our congregation, please consider a gift to this new fund.

Operating Fund – This fund provides added stability as we meet the fiscal needs of our professionally-run synagogue.

President’s Discretionary Fund – This fund provides the Bolton Street president with the extra means to respond to certain unforeseen circumstances that may require an immediate response.

Rabbi’s Discretionary Fund – The Rabbi uses monies in this fund for books, conferences, helping members or committees, and other times when a unique need is identified.