Legacy Society

Bolton Street Legacy Giving Campaign

As a member of our Bolton Street Synagogue community, you have experienced the many offerings that Bolton Street provides.  Adults, teens, and younger children continue to benefit from a vast array of programing including Shabbat services, religious education, Torah study, and social justice initiatives to name a few. A pledge to Bolton Street Synagogue’s Legacy Society will help ensure that future generations are able to experience these rich cultural, religious, and educational opportunities.

Legacy Giving & Planned Gifts
Planned gifts help to ensure the  future and strength Bolton Street Synagogue. A planned gift is one that is committed during a donor’s lifetime naming Bolton Street Synagogue as a beneficiary at the time of their passing. This gift can be in many forms, one which is a bequest. By making a bequest to BSS you become a part of our Legacy Society.
Other forms of planned giving include a Life Income Trust – Charitable Remainder Annuity Trust, a Life Income Trust – Charitable Remainder Unitrust, a Charitable Lead Trust, Charitable Gift Annuity or an Individual Retirement Account (IRA).
Planned gifts can offer donors significant tax benefits as part of estate planning and may also be structured to provide income to donors during their lifetimes.For more information on legacy giving, contact